有限会社西川商会(代表: 西川正克)は、持続可能性をテーマに、これまで有効活用されてこなかった「使用済み自動車から取り外ししたエアバッグ」の新たな活用方法を模索してきました。
Nishikawa Shokai Co., Ltd., under the leadership of Representative Masakatsu Nishikawa, has been conducting an investigation into potential avenues for the effective utilization of "airbags removed from end-of-life vehicles," based on the theme of sustainability. Through a collaborative effort with Ryohei Kawanishi, a renowned fashion designer originally from Tottori Prefecture and currently active in both New York and London, our organization has successfully concluded a project spanning approximately three years that aims to repurpose these airbags as fashion items.
As a company operating within the automobile recycling industry, we specialize in the removal and repurposing of usable parts from end-of-life vehicles as second-hand components, while also sorting and recycling any remaining parts based on their respective materials. Despite significant advancements in other countries, automobile recycling in Japan still lags behind other advanced nations. Nevertheless, with the help of several companies based in Tottori Prefecture, we were able to reimagine airbags as fashionable merchandise.
Our efforts to transform airbags into a new fashion line has involved the participation of various entities within Tottori Prefecture, the least populous prefecture in Japan. Specifically, our local automobile recycling company has been tasked with collecting the airbags, which are subsequently utilized in the creation of clothing designs by a local fashion designer. These designs are then manufactured by a local sewing factory and sold through select shops throughout the region. Local companies have also generously provided LED lighting and clothing racks for use in our exhibitions.
2022 Season Look book

Model Mamado

Model Mamado

Model Mamado

Photo by Alexgrabowskii
Model Gosha

Model Gosha

Model Gosha
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/airgarments/
-Tottori Prefecture Decarbonize Society Promotion Division
URL: https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/310898.htm
E-mail: datsutanso@pref.tottori.lg.jp
Auto recycling company
URL: https://nishikawashokai.com/
URL: http://www.ryoheikawanishi.com/
Sewing factory
-Big Growth Co.,Ltd
URL: https://xn--big-growth-5x4irdn1kogpkzp.com/
Clothing speciality shop
Construction Scaffolding company
-I・T・T Co., Ltd
-URL: https://itt.work/
LED lamp maker
-Tomisawa Co., Ltd